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The Walking In My God Given Authority (WIMGGA) blog was created to Encourage, Equip and Empower all Women of God everywhere.  As women we have a hefty load to carry in life and sometimes the load binds us or keeps us stuck in certain positions or places.  Unfortunately, we often accept this predicament of bondage as we become complacent where we are by settling for less instead of breaking free from everything and everyone that binds us. 

Jeremiah 29:11 states, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Based upon this declaration it was never God's intent that we stay stuck in a place of bondage.  His desire is to prosper us as we continuously trust and rely upon Him. 

This is a place where the Word of God is used as the weapon to break yokes of bondage off of women, God's daughters.  Here you will find transparency and truth so liberation can be received by all who dare to want it.  No longer do we want to merely claim liberation but we want to actually possess it.  Together we will accomplish this goal by activating and walking in our God given authority. We shall degree and declare we have the power to overcome and win every battle within us and against the enemy.   

Matthew 10:1 states, "Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness."  The same authority Jesus gave to the twelve disciples, He has freely given to us as women and His daughters.  All we have to do is... Walk It Out!

Lady J's Inspirations
Wednesday, April 01 2020
Encouragement is Necessary

By nature I am an encourager.  I love to speak life into people when they are hurting, feeling sad and on the verge of giving up.  It is easy for me to find the words and prayers to uplift and encourage others however, if I am totally honest it was not as easy for me to encourage myself.  I believe many of us have struggled with encouragement in one form or another.  Either we find it hard to encourage others or we find it hard to encourage ourselves. 

One thing I know for sure is that all of us, regardless of race, gender or age, we need encouragement.  Thus, it is paramount that we work on our encouragement skills as they relate to others and ourselves.  A continued lack in the ability to encourage can have a detrimental impact on someone’s spiritual, physical, mental and/or emotional growth.  I am at a point in my life where I no longer want to be responsible for stopping or stunting anyone’s growth.  A lack of encouragement has caused many people to give up and quit assignments prematurely or caused them to give up on living life. 

We have to encourage so we won’t have unfulfilled purposes or assignments in the earth realm.  Encouragement is also necessary so we won’t have “zombies” or people just existing in this world and not living.  So many are going through this life without encouragement to seek or fulfill their purpose.  Not a nary nother person do I want to loose on my watch!!!  Although I don’t have the power to save, heal, deliver or set free, I do have the power to encourage. 

Encouragement is synonymous with support.  You could say giving encouragement is simply supporting someone by giving confidence or hope to do something or to continuing to do something, especially if the result will be beneficial to the person.  Today, I want to encourage each and every one of you to stay the course.  I encourage you to not quit or give up prematurely on your assignment because someone in this world is depending on you to be successful.  I encourage you to live out your true purpose in life so you can hear the Lord say “Well Done My Good and Faithful Servant.”  You can do it! Whatever, your “it” is, keep striving through all of the obstacles and endure until the end because the reward will be worth it.  Be Encouraged!!!

Lady J

Posted by: Lady J AT 12:00 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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